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eprs bri 2020 659404 en
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72% see healthy eating as an integral part of their physical and mental health – with 52% tracking their consumption.

Reference/Source: Opinium survey


67% say healthy eating is fashionable at the moment.

Reference/Source: Opinium survey


75% of Generation Z worry that poor health will limit their life experiences.

Reference/Source: OnePoll US study for ‘Know Diabetes by Heart'


Nearly 9 in 10 of Generation Z go to the gym three or more times a week.

Reference/Source: Unwinder Survey


More than 50% of Gen Zers report having some mental health issue, and nearly 70% of Gen Z respondents report some sort of therapy.

Reference/Source: Unwinder Survey


66% of Generation Z think about their health every day.

Reference/Source: New Hope Survey


64% of Gen Zers have never smoked – the lowest of all generations.

Reference/Source: GlobalData's 2021 Q1 consumer survey


Generation Z drinks 20% less than Millennials, and 57% would rather go to a gym than a bar.

Reference/Source: American Addictions survey


UV rays from sunbeds can be fifteen times stronger than the Mediterranean sun at midday.

Reference/Source: Irish Cancer Society


Your risk of skin cancer triples if you have one painful sunburn every two years.

Reference/Source: Cancer Research UK


One sunbed session before the age of 35, can increase your risk of skin cancer by almost 60%.

Reference/Source: Irish Cancer Society


One blistering sunburn before the age of 19 doubles your risk of skin cancer in adulthood.

Reference/Source: Skin Cancer Foundation


Remember that sunscreen takes effect around half an hour after you’ve applied it and only lasts for two to three hours.

Reference/Source: Skin Cancer Foundation


Skin Cancer is the seventh most likely cancer to affect young people between the ages of 10 and 19 in Europe.

Reference/Source: International Agency for Research on Cancer / World Health Organisation


Nine out of 10 skin cancers are caused by UV rays from the sun or sunbeds.

Reference/Source: SKCIN: The Karen Clifford Skin Cancer Charity


If you work outside you are twice as likely to get skin cancer.

Reference/Source: IOSH Magazine


UV exposure in dedicated sports people has been found to exceed normal levels by up to 700%.

Reference/Source: The Skincare Network


Regular sun exposure adds up – 86% of melanomas can be attributed to exposure to UV radiation from the sun.

Reference/Source: Skin Cancer Foundation