Kampagne 2017

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Unnötige UV-Exposition zu vermeiden, ist der Schlüssel, um der Entstehung von Hautkrebs vorzubeugen.
Ihr habt nur die eine Haut. Sie ist ein kostbarer Schutz.

UV-Strahlung kann die Haut auch dann schädigen, wenn kühlere Temperaturen herrschen oder die Sonne hinter Wolken verborgen ist.


Download, read and share.


We have prepared educational materials. You will find useful advices.


Feel free to download these documents and share them with your family, friends, colleagues...


People are traveling in your offices, lounges, corridors, health club, shops, waiting rooms?
Your job will take you to see, touch or take care of the skin of your clients? Do not miss out of danger.


Download and print this poster.

Download the brochure and learn how to detect lesions at risk.

Preventing skin cancer

Skin cancer is one of the world’s most common cancers. The good news is that it is usually treatable if detected early - and there are things we can do to prevent it.

Vermeiden Sie unnötige UV-Expositionen

Suchen Sie möglichst schattige Plätze auf und vermeiden Sie die Mittagssonne zwischen 11 und 14 Uhr.

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Tragen Sie schützende Kleidung

Textilien in dunklen Farben, ein langärmeliges T-Shirt, eine Kopftbedeckung mit einem weiten Schirm und eine UV-absorbierende Sonnenbrille bieten mehr Sicherheit.

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Tragen Sie Sonnencreme auf

Achten Sie auf einen möglichst hohen Lichtschutzfaktor. Ihr Sonnenschutz sollte gegen UV-A- wie UV-B-Strahlung wirksam sein. Bitte beachten: Sonnencreme wirkt erst eine halbe Stunde nach dem Auftragen und wirkt längstens zwei bis drei Stunden.

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Ungeschützt tragen Kinder das höchste Risiko, wenn sie lange Zeit der Sonne ausgesetzt bleiben. Im Freien zu spielen ist wichtig für die kindliche Entwicklung. Ein Sonnenbrand sollte aber unter allen Umständen vermeiden werden.

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Check your skin once a month for spots that:


  • Change size, colour and/or shape
  • Appear different to the rest (the ‘Ugly Duckling’ sign)
  • Are asymmetric or have uneven borders
  • Feel rough or scaly (sometimes you can feel lesions before you can see them)
  • Are multi-coloured
  • Are itchy
  • Are bleeding or oozing
  • Look pearly
  • Look like a wound but do not heal


If you see two or more of these warning signs, don’t delay. Visit your doctor immediately.



This is the least common form of skin cancer, but also the most dangerous. It can affect people of any age, unlike other types that are more common among older people.


It presents as a spot that becomes darkly pigmented or develops irregular edges or different colours over time, or as a rapidly-growing pink or red lump. It can spread internally, so immediate treatment is required.

Basal cell carcinoma

This is the most common form of skin cancer, but also the least dangerous. It typically presents as an elevated skin-coloured lump with a shiny, pearl-like edge, a wound that does not heal, or a slightly crusty lump that grows slowly over time. If left untreated, it may ulcerate and invade deeper tissues.

Squamous cell carcinoma

This is the second most common form of skin cancer, occurring in areas of the skin that have had a lot of sun exposure, such as the face and scalp. It presents as a crusty lump which may grow quickly and become ulcerated and weepy. It can spread rapidly, especially if on the lips, ears, fingers and toes, or in immunosuppressed patients. Surgical treatment to remove the lesions is essential.

Actinic keratosis

This occurs most commonly in middle-aged and elderly people, on areas most exposed to the sun such as the face, neck, ears, back of the hands and scalp. It presents as red-brown scaly and rough patches of skin. The lesions are pre-cancerous; in 10– 15% of cases they may develop into squamous cell carcinomas, so they should be treated to prevent progression.