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Screening of a patient in a tennis club by Prof. Rosa MartĂ in Lleida
Screening day in Hospital Sanchinarro, Madrid.
Press conference with the President of the Spanish Academy of Dermatology, Prof. José Carlos Moreno
Euromelanoma campaign 2013 was successfully developed with a main screening day on May 22 and several other educational and screening activities focused on outdoor sports. More than 900 people were screened, almost twice the number of screened patients registered in the past campaign. We also registered a 33% increase in participation of dermatologists which is remarkable taking into account the current troublesome situation of the public health care system. Compliance with appointments increased 15% compared to the previous year and the main reasons for participating in the campaign were the wish to have a skin exam (60%) and having many moles (33%). Free skin examinations were not only carried out in clinics but also in sport facilities to strengthen the importance of safe sun behavior for those (mainly the youth) who practice outdoor sports and are exposed to high doses of radiation for long periods of time. Skin cancer awareness talks were given at hospitals and universities, including Medical Schools, to sensitize health care professionals about this relevant health problem. The campaign was highly valuated by patients who also showed good comprehension of early signs of skin cancer (87%) and risk factors (91%) in addition to express the intention to have safer sun behavior in the future (more than 90%).