A proposito di  EUROMELANOMA


Euromelanoma esiste per promuovere e condividere infomazioni sulla prevenzione del cancro della pelle, sulla sua diagnosi e sul suo trattamento. Una rete di dermatologi  europei si occupa, mette a disposizione il suo tempo e le sue conoscenza e si impegna per questa causa a titolo volontario.



Related videos


A short film from Euromelanoma about life after skin cancer diagnosis




A short film from Euromelanoma about life after skin cancer diagnosis (with English subtitles)



It's probably nothing


A short video from Euromelanoma about the need to check suspicious moles. Yes, "it's probably nothing", but it's always best to have it looked at by a doctor or dermatologist.


Check for giant melanoma in two minutes


This video shows you how to spot this potentially deadly disease in three simple steps.



Our last campaigns


EUROMELANOMA is the official skin cancer prevention campaign from EADO.