Euromelanoma exists to promote and share information on skin cancer prevention, early diagnosis and treatment. We are led by a network of European dermatologists who generously give up their time to serve this cause.


Dear Visitor,


Welcome to the European Euromelanoma website!


Euromelanoma tries to do exactly that: It is a pan-European campaign for skin cancer prevention that aims to give information to everybody on skin cancer prevention, early diagnosis and treatment.
Initiated in Belgium in 1999, this campaign has spread to 29 countries, from Sweden to Cyprus, Malta, Ireland, Russia , from the North to the South and from the East to the West, all over Europe.


This initiative has been led by a network of European dermatologists who work for free to generously serve this cause. Apart from our yearly campaign of free skin examination we have now tried to help you access information about skin cancer.


You are invited to browse our site and discover for yourselves what skin cancer is and how you can help yourself and your children to minimize your risks of contracting it. Also, there is information on the sun and ultraviolet radiation – and you could discover which are the common myths about tanning!


We hope that our efforts will be appreciated and greater knowledge about skin cancer will lead to a better prevention of this disease. 


Prof. Veronique del Marmol, MD, PhD

Euromelanoma Europe Chair

Related videos


A short film from Euromelanoma about life after skin cancer diagnosis



A short film from Euromelanoma about life after skin cancer diagnosis (with English subtitles)


It's probably nothing


A short video from Euromelanoma about the need to check suspicious moles. Yes, "it's probably nothing", but it's always best to have it looked at by a doctor or dermatologist.


Check for giant melanoma in two minutes


This video shows you how to spot this potentially deadly disease in three simple steps.



Our last campaigns


EUROMELANOMA is the official skin cancer prevention campaign from EADO.